
Who’s The Ultimate Teaching Muse For You & Your Preschooler? Take the Quiz →

It’s time to give your children the ultimate luxury – truly personalized learning

Ready to raise the next trailblazer? Think Rory Gilmore meets Khaleesi with a dash of Walt Disney and Thomas Edison as the straight chaser.

I create personalized preschool roadmaps to set your children up for uncommon success in life.

Your child receives the bespoke, advanced education he deserves.

Et Toi? Brace yourself. Get ready to be dazzled. You get everything you need to level up your preschooler’s pre-reading, pre-writing, critical thinking, and deep number sense capabilities.


Your child’s golden window of opportunity – those early years – won’t recur in their lifetime.

Stack the odds of success in their favor when learning comes easiest and their curiosity is boundless

Get this: 90% of brain growth happens before the age of 6

If the amount and quality of care, stimulation, interaction, and personalized learning kids receive in their early years makes ALL the difference in the development of higher level abilities then…

You’re wasting that golden window of opportunity if you’re not supplementing school at home

[over 35 THOUSAND hours of it, to be exact]

Every child’s potential is unlimited.

The window of time to provide them with the foundation for success is not.

Clap back at the education industrial complex

Stop feeling guilty about your unabashedly high learning standards—and choose the path towards a personalized education and learning mindset that stands the test of time.

It’s time to be intentional about the 86% of your child’s waking hours that are spent outside the classroom, and provide the personalized learning opportunities you’ve always wanted to offer…all with a customized game plan for how to *actually* get it done 💪

I’ll give you the A-Z blueprint for leveling up your child’s pre-reading, pre-writing, critical thinking, and number sense skills so you can confidently accelerate learning and get it to stick.

One call is all it takes to get started

Master open-ended play to unlock authentic learning opportunities

Learn how smarter play supports learning and gives you more freedom – the ultimate win-win-win proposition. We discuss how to:

  • Select toys, resources, and set up for a seamless start + long-term investment
  • Uncover the viable 15-minute windows in your week during which to accelerate skills and what to target in those 15-minute windows
  • Map activities to common core standards for comprehensive learning

Educate in 15 minute blocks (or less!) with consistency

Young children’s attention spans are still growing. 15 minutes a day of 1:1 time is enough to introduce new ideas and reinforce learning.

What’s that? You say you’re an overachiever? 🙌

You can add more of the effective activities and tactics I demonstrate to connect learning to interests. 15 minutes is just the start.

Feel confident about your child’s learning progress

You have better things to do than wonder if your child can hold their own against private school educated children who ARE exposed to a more rigorous curriculum.

I break down learning standards in plain English from PreK to the dreaded 3rd grade plateau and share what you need to know to effectively teach and supplement school at home.

Provide the truly personalized education your children deserve — in 3 simple steps.

1 | Develop the play space of champions

Making smart toy investments, creating the space your kids run to first when they come home, fostering open ended play with just a few items so you can finish meal prepping (I mean replay Anthony’s swoon-worthy love confession on Bridgerton) requires a unique set of skills — the kind that discerning working parents needed yesterday.

I’ll help you uncover the principles of creative learning environments, fine tune your resource BS radar, and design the space that fosters independent play and personalized learning.

2 | Follow the learning brick road and know EXACTLY where to deviate

I’ve learned my fair share of lessons the hard way—which is exactly why I’m NOT letting working parents believe the myth that your only school choices are private, public, or charter schools.

Instead, I show you the backdoor portal to an extraordinary, one-of-a-kind education. It blends the powerful methods and strategies of traditional schooling with the most effective homeschool resources. I’ve seen it work for young children ages 3-6 across a cross-section of America —and now? It’s your turn.

3 | Enjoy your little genius

Fast forward to the first Kindergarten parent teacher conference and no surprise – your child has exceeded what he’s scheduled to learn that year. “Really? My Son?” you say as you silently pat yourself on the back, mentally pour yourself champagne, and make plans to teach with more depth + even greater impact.

When we work together, you’ll discover what makes a phenomenal education and deliver it — without sacrificing your sanity, retirement, or bucket list trip to the Sahara (hot air balloon breakfast included).

You need someone on your side who understands the post-pandemic, five-alarm fire situation in education today, and who knows how rationed the minutes you have after work are.

Everywhere I looked during our search for a 3K, Pre-K, and Kindergarten program, I saw:

  • Private schools bringing marriages to the brink just to survive the application process,
  • Adequate but could have been so much more public school programs, and
  • Mediocre daycares operating under grueling circumstances

TL:DR After three years of searching for a perfect school, I realized that there is no such thing. There are only good enough schools.

And no way was I about to sacrifice my financial independence (or self care budget) for a just good enough school that couldn’t make promises about learning outcomes or didn’t make my heart beat faster → yoohoo, Jonathan Bailey, I’m looking at you.

That’s exactly why I took matters into my own hands and created the Buoyant Bloomer method.

Now, I show you how to combine the best of traditional schooling and homeschooling so busy working parents—just like you—can provide an accelerated, personalized learning experience nestled within the play-centered lifestyle kids deserve. No education degree, pricey tuition checks, or cross-town move required.

Here’s how we can get started perfecting imperfect education:

Custom Education Strategy Call

One hour to a custom-designed roadmap for high ability children offering clarity, peace of mind, and learning results

Wherever your preschooler or Kindergartener is on their learning journey, I show you how to raise the bar. Fast track your child’s success without tears, boredom, or you needing a teaching degree.

I cover:
  1. The most effective resources for learning to read, write, and compute so your bright learner remains engaged
  2. Play space audit + optimization plan to maximize your prepared environment and extend learning – even when you’re busy
  3. Time matrixing to uncover the viable 15-minute windows in your week during which t0 accelerate skills and what to target in those 15-minute windows
  4. Troubleshoot school or daycare scenarios – benchmark whether the issue is “normal” and make a plan to remediate it either with the institution, at home, or both.

Your hour is totally customized to your family’s needs – if we don’t get through all that you want to cover, book a separate call and we’ll make sure to set you on the right path. 

You also get access a prioritized to-do list + call recording.

And if your child is beyond grade level standards? I show you what you can do next to accelerate or enrich their learning.

Inquisitive Learner Accelerator

Level up your child’s early education and capacity for independent discovery

This pioneer early childhood learning program shows preschool and kindergarten families how to supplement learning at home with a comprehensive, 3-phase approach combining the most effective strategies and resources from both traditional schooling and homeschooling.

Designed to be completed in 2 months (because hello working parent life!), it’s all you need to form a long-game strategy for raising self-directed, creative learners in an era of pricey yet diluted (ahem, Faux-tessori) and scarce high quality preschool programs.

60 days to a bespoke education

50 actionable, results-driven lessons
+ 4 customizable pathways for Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and Charlotte Mason education so you no longer need to pick just one learning philosophy or school
+ Foundational cross-discipline training showing the best practices and strategies for teaching and advancing reading, writing, and numeracy competencies
+ Two 1:1 reviews with me for your 1) personalized learning curriculum; 2) play space + resources
+ Intimate weekly live group coaching calls

+ Bonus #1 – Block play workshop
+ Bonus #2 – Process art 101 tutorial
+ Bonus #3 – Loose parts masterclass
+ Bonus #4 – SOS Toolkit – the sticky situation solver
+ Bonus #5 – 2-for-1 $500 off incentive

Confident Decision Makers Toolkit

Bust through analysis paralysis so you make the right school, camp, or aftercare program choice every time

3K? PreK? Kindergarten? Afterschool classes? Summer camp? I’ve been there, screened over 300 programs, and made 7 winning choices in 3 years.

The secret? Having a repeatable framework grounded in behavioral science that gets better with each round of decision making.

You'll learn:
  1. How to find and screen the most relevant educational opportunities,
  2. How to meaningfully compare the different options,
  3. How to decide with conviction and nail the right choice for your child

You also get access to a done for you Excel workbook with customizable weighted decision making model, 5-step decision making framework with 20 bite-sized, jargon-free videos, and printable CDT workbook and checklists.

Whether you want to design a play based preschool at home or provide supplemental learning for better outcomes, I’m here to level up your child’s learning.

And if you need more inspiration before we meet, I show bite-sized, no filter snippets of Mr. 4’s current obsessions on my IG account @BuoyantBloomer, and you can find longer form tips and tricks over on the weekly-ish blog.

Oh snap – you’ve made it to the end!

Don’t pull a Houdini without some complimentary canapes and truffles

(be a dear and pass me that pink Marc de Champagne one, would you?)

Boost your preschooler’s success: understand the 68 kindergarten Common Core standards 

Read only high-quality kid’s literature: discover what elite schools recommend for preschoolers

Unleash their potential: power moves for personalized learning that sticks

Find the Ultimate Teaching Muse for You and Your Preschooler

Get learning activities you can set up in 5 minutes or less

Here’s to the the misfits. The rebels. The ones who see things differently.

The bi-weekly-ish Rebels with A Cause newsletter shines a spotlight on the things that tickle the modern parent’s sensibilities. It’s tips you can use straightaway, delightful links, and big ideas — a virtual Scooby Snack for frightful times, exhilirating times, and everything in between.