What We Know About PS 456 & Brooklyn Elementary Schools

What We Know About PS 456 & Brooklyn Elementary Schools

Brooklyn elementary schools span the gamut from progressive to traditional, and PS 456 with its close ties to the Brooklyn New School (aka BNS aka PS 146) will be on the progressive end of the spectrum. Progressive schools aren't going to be for every family, and if...

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Unlock a quality education with these open and go resources

Unlock a quality education with these open and go resources

✏️ Pencils up – here’s our family’s cheat sheet of science-of-learning backed resources for a quality education in the preschool years that doesn’t require pricey tuition checks. *record scratch* What did she just say? ^^repeat: You can keep attending that convenient...

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About Buoyant Bloomer

Kim wants to live in a world where people have financial security and reasonable expectations for their children to achieve at least the same quality of life that they grew up with. She believes that every family needs to make smart decisions about the Big 3 – housing, education, and retirement – because making decisions in silos is a surefire recipe for missed opportunities.

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