Master the science of reading and read to learn

Master the science of reading and read to learn

Your child will learn to read in Kindergarten (with caveats - more on that below), but will it be based on the science of reading or will the approach be the debunked balanced literacy method?  One method leads to success and the other spells doom.  If I got...

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Get started with project based learning in 5 easy steps

Get started with project based learning in 5 easy steps

Project based learning is one of the core tenets of a great education because of the interplay between a child's head, heart, and hands. Memorizing facts has a place in education, but to understand something or innovate upon an existing idea, rote memorization isn't...

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About Buoyant Bloomer

Kim wants to live in a world where people have financial security and reasonable expectations for their children to achieve at least the same quality of life that they grew up with. She believes that every family needs to make smart decisions about the Big 3 – housing, education, and retirement – because making decisions in silos is a surefire recipe for missed opportunities.

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