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Inquisitive Learner Accelerator

ILA is the only comprehensive program teaching busy parents the art of delivering a world class preschool at home education.

It blends the best strategies and tactics of traditional schooling with the most effective resources and methods of homeschooling, so you raise passionate, self-starters at the fraction of the cost of private programs. 

Designed to be completed in 8 weeks, it’s all you need to provide an unforgettable early childhood education you – and they! – will be proud of now and in the decades to come.

The doors only open once a year. Sign up to be notified of the next intake here.

If you can’t wait until 2024, sign up for 1-hour bespoke education strategy calls. There will be 4 slots per month until the accelerator opens.

Each session is priced at $500 and covers everything you need to level up your preschooler’s pre-reading, pre-writing, critical thinking, and deep number sense capabilities. Preschool at home, but make it bepsoke and sustainable!