
Understand Kindergarten Common Core Standards in <10 minutes


Accelerate your child’s learning with confidence – know the 68 Kindergarten Common Core standards inside and out.

✓ Excel spreadsheet organized by subject

✓ 68 Kindergarten Common Core Standard translated into plain English

✓ SUPPORT RESOURCES LINKED for the curious cats eager to dive deep

Comprehend Common Core jargon, secure intervention or level up learning appropriately, & level up your child’s academic progress.

Looking to understand if your child is ahead of the curve so you can ensure they reach their full potential? Of course you are: you’re one smart cookie. 🍪

Claim this indispensable guide now that:


Connects you with your child’s teachers by giving you a common language to discuss benchmarks


Demystifies what your child is learning in the classroom (and why)


Shows you were to focus your precious time to help your child become the Rory Gilmore who tackles what she conquers

I got you. Written specifically for parents of Kindergarteners, consider this your kick-off to a productive school year … and it’s all yours, right here.👇🏻

Toddlers Guide to Smart Play

And just who in heavens is nattering about Kindergarten Common Core Standards?

I’m Kim Liao, early childhood learning strategist extraordinaire. I show parents of preschoolers and Kindergartners how to provide acelerated yet engaging learning experiences outside the classroom, so children are prepared to forge any path in life.

While desigining a thriving life during 16 months of work from home with no childcare captivity, I started offering learning experiences and documenting the successes our son and his pandemic pod achieved.

By combining this intense practicum with my deep knowledge of public, private, and charter school requirements and philosophies, I created a deliberate, transformative lifestyle that effectively supplements the group program a child attends.

Any home can house a play based preschool. It’s not the square footage or resources that counts – it’s the game plan and intention.

Up next? A 1:1 consult with yours truly to craft that customized learning game plan.