{"id":505,"date":"2022-06-04T00:52:32","date_gmt":"2022-06-04T00:52:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/buoyantbloomer.com\/?p=505"},"modified":"2022-06-04T00:52:32","modified_gmt":"2022-06-04T00:52:32","slug":"learning-while-traveling","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/buoyantbloomer.com\/learning-while-traveling\/","title":{"rendered":"Fun and light resources to pack for accelerating learning on vacation"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

We recently returned from 2.5 weeks in Nepal where we embraced the learning while traveling ethos and where Mr. Action easily solidified his math skills thanks to some light and affordable resources that we packed. This was the first time that Mr. Action visited Asia (he’s been to Central America and Europe), and he enjoyed spending time with the grandparents. It was also the sort of trip where because Nepal isn’t easy to walk around and because we were there during the pre-monsoon season which meant very unpredictable weather, we had to have a plan for indoor time. I’m happy to report that he not only had fun, but learning while traveling was a success!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The benefits of learning while traveling<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

We all remember things better when in context, or tied to an event that is infrequent enough to stand out in our minds. Travel meets both these criteria. It’s the perfect time to practice a language, play up geography and history, and make memories that are once-in-a-lifetime. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Of course, 2-5 year olds aren’t on this sophisticated wave length yet (though language is still a great learning while traveling activity). They also might struggle with sensory overload – Mr. Action used to be overwhelmed by crowds in general, so we were always mindful of scheduling down time to recuperate. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

As parents and home educators, we want learning to be as effortless as possible – no one wants to drum facts or skills into our kids. Traveling allows us to sneak in learning because the new surroundings and novel situations mean that our kids remember the unusual environment. Instead of increasing the screen time, travel is the perfect time to play more family games, explore libraries and toy shops, and compare the flora and fauna of the destination to home. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Lightweight learning resources <\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Of course, the 50 pound bag limit means that we have to be smart about what we pack. For our 2.5 week trip, this is what we brought with us<\/p>\n\n\n\n